
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Drew's Freestyle Ham

Drew Case from our Tech Department is famous for his Freestyle Ham recipe-- and for good reason. Deceptive in its simplicity, Drew's Freestyle Ham requires just one ingredient. Drew refuses to disclose the temperature and timing required to bake his ham, as he feels that imposing such restrictions would remove the "freestyle" element for which this recipe is renowned. However, please feel free to email him with any and all questions you might have about his Freestyle Ham, or any other topic in the entire world that you'd like to discuss. He can be reached at

Drew's Freestyle Ham




1. Buy Ham (at the Boise Co-op)

2. Bake Ham

3. Eat Ham

Thank you, Drew, for the effort you put forth in compiling this information, and the willingness to share it with the world.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Even as a vegetarian, I'm inspired. "Freestyle" is the culinary wave of the future!


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